Children’s Room Policy

The staff of the Children's Room at the Greenfield Public Library strives to create a safe, respectful, warm, inviting and fun environment for children from birth to age 12.

The safety and well-being of children at the library is of serious concern. For the protection and well-being of children, the Trustees have implemented the following rules to help all enjoy their time at the library.

Library Cards:

A child of any age may receive a library card, however, for children under the age of 13, a parent or guardian must be present to provide a signature, proof of address and emergency contact information. Additionally, guardians may be asked to show guardianship papers.

General Use:

  • The Children's Room is for use by children from birth to age 12.
  • Children under the age of eight must have a parent/caregiver in immediate vicinity of (and in visual contact with) the child. During a program held in the craft room, we ask that the parent/caregiver remain within the Children's Room, unless their child requires assistance with the activity.
  • Children eight to 10 may be in the Children's Room unaccompanied as long as their parent/caregiver is within the library building and has checked in with the Children's librarian. A Parent/caregiver should indicate to their child where they will be within the library building and communicate a plan to reconvene. In case of emergency or disruptive behavior, the library staff will contact the parent/caregiver via the library intercom.
  • Children 10 to 12 may come to the library unaccompanied by a parent/caregiver. They will be required to check in with the Children's librarian. If problems arise, they may be asked to leave and/or the parent/caregiver may be contacted.
  • A caregiver over the age of 12 may accompany a younger child.
  • Adults not accompanying a minor are only invited to access the Children's Room to borrow materials or ask for help in locating resources.

Patron Privacy:

  • Patrons' privacy, including that of minors, prohibits library staff from providing information to patrons calling the library regarding the whereabouts of a child or passing messages to children.
  • A parent/caregiver is welcome to photograph/video only their own child while participating in programs or enjoying the Children's Room.

Material Selection:

The library is not responsible for a minor's selection of library materials.

Behavior in the Children's Room and Library:

  • Children, and their parents/caregivers, are required to respect library property and to act in a manner appropriate to the use and function of the library and its resources.
  • A parent/caregiver is responsible for their child's behavior at all times, even when they are not present. Parents will be contacted if an issue arises with the behavior of their unaccompanied child.
  • A child aged 10-12 (that are allowed unaccompanied) may be asked by the staff in charge to leave the library as a result of unacceptable behavior. If this occurs twice, the child and their caregiver will need to make an appointment with the Director before being allowed to come back to the children’s room.
  • A child aged 10-12 (that are allowed unaccompanied) may be asked by the staff in charge to leave the library as a result of unacceptable behavior. If this occurs twice, the child and their caregiver will need to make an appointment with the Director before being allowed to come back to the children’s room.

Computer/Technology use:

  • Children under age six who wish to use a computer must be supervised by an adult at all times.
  • It is the responsibility of a parent/caregiver to ensure appropriate use of the computer equipment by young children.
  • Failure to comply with policies, procedures and staff direction regarding computer use may result in the loss of computer privileges.


Unless offered as part of a library program, food is not permitted in the Children's room. Securely covered drinks are permitted in the Children's Room.

Unattended Children in the Library:

  • Children and their parents/caregiver should be aware of the closing times of the library.
  • Library staff and volunteers are not responsible for children who are left unattended.
  • If a child has been left at the library without a ride or assistance home at closing time, every attempt will be made to contact a parent/caregiver by telephone.
  • Staff are not permitted to remain after hours with an unattended child nor give him/her/they a ride home or to any other location.
  • If a parent/caregiver of a child aged 10 and under cannot be reached, the Greenfield Police will be called to escort the child home or to keep the child until a parent/caregiver can be reached. A staff member will remain with the child until the police have arrived.

Unexpected Closings (emergencies or inclement weather:

  • When the library needs to close unexpectedly due to an emergency or inclement weather, the Children's room will close and unaccompanied children will need to exit the library building.
  • If the public schools close early due to inclement weather, or if such a closing seems likely, parents/caregivers are asked to instruct their unaccompanied child not to visit the library, as the library may also need to close early.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 12/16/2024.
To be reviewed yearly, or as needed.

Library Hours

Mon-Wed 9:30am-8pm
Thu-Fri 9:30am-5pm
Sat 9:30am-2pm

For security purposes, the upstairs floor closes 15 minutes before closing time. Main doors are locked 5 minutes before closing.


  • Circulation Desk: 413-772-1544, option 4
  • Children’s Room: 413-772-1544, option 5
  • Information Services: 413-772-1544, option 6


  • Greenfield Public Library
  • 412 Main Street
  • Greenfield, MA 01301


  • 413-772-1544 x 5109

