Request for Review of Library Resources

The Board of Trustees of the Greenfield Public Library endorses the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement as in existence on the day this policy is adopted.

A CWMARS cardholder who is a library patron in good standing may request the review of material owned by the library, a service offered by the library, a program being offered at the library, or a library display. All of the above are judged on the basis of the work as a whole, not on a part taken out of context. The steps for a formal request are as follows:

  1. The cardholder will fill out and sign a “Request to Review Library Resources" form or submit an equivalent written and signed statement.

  2. The document will be forwarded to the Library Director who will review the resource and develop a recommendation.
  3. This information will be given to the Library Trustees for discussion as a posted agenda item at an upcoming regularly scheduled meeting.
  4. The Trustees will discuss the issue in depth and make a formal recommendation.
  5. The patron who submitted the request will receive a written response from the Library Trustee Chair or Library Director within 21 days of the Board’s decision.

Under Chapter 78, Section 33, of the Massachusetts General Laws: Policy for Selection and Use of Library Materials and Facilities, no employee shall be dismissed for the selection of library materials when the selection is made in good faith and in accordance with the standards of the American Library Association.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 12/16/2024
To be reviewed yearly, or as needed.

Library Hours

Mon-Wed 9:30am-8pm
Thu-Fri 9:30am-5pm
Sat 9:30am-2pm

For security purposes, the upstairs floor closes 15 minutes before closing time. Main doors are locked 5 minutes before closing.


  • Circulation Desk: 413-772-1544, option 4
  • Children’s Room: 413-772-1544, option 5
  • Information Services: 413-772-1544, option 6


  • Greenfield Public Library
  • 412 Main Street
  • Greenfield, MA 01301


  • 413-772-1544 x 5109

