Library Visitation Policy
Welcome to the Greenfield Public Library
Parking at the library
The large parking lot adjacent to the library offers free parking to library patrons during the library’s opening hours. Commuter parking, EV charging stations and handicap parking are all available.
Entering the library
There are two entrances to the library. The side entrance is the closest to the parking area. The main entrance is accessible via Main Street. Both entrances are handicap accessible.
Group Visits
The Greenfield Public Library encourages group visits, including tours, to the library by local schools, organizations, and groups. A group is defined as having more than 4 individuals whose purpose is beyond regular library activities (i.e. borrowing books, using computers, etc.).
An appointment must be scheduled.
Because we have a very busy schedule with various library programs, we ask that any group that plans to visit the library to schedule an appointment at least a week prior to their visit, even if staff assistance is not required. In this way, we can avoid conflicts between groups and provide better assistance to all our users.
Groups must have a purpose for their visit.
When a group comes with a clear purpose, library staff can provide the group with needed services while maintaining an orderly and educational atmosphere for all our patrons. This is especially important for large groups and for k-12 school visits. Students learn to use the library and appreciate library resources when they have a positive library experience.
Groups must be well-supervised.
Teachers or adult leaders/supervisors must remain with the group at all times. Groups should not split up to different areas of the library unless each part of the group has a teacher or leader/supervisor with them.
Storytimes can be arranged for special groups.
The group needs to contact the library at least two weeks in advance to arrange a time, date, and space. If a theme is required, the library needs to be told at the time the event is scheduled. Although we would like to have groups visit as often as possible, we do have a very busy schedule, and sometimes not enough staff to go around. For that reason, we cannot schedule preschool Storytime visits more than one time per month for the same class.
Reference Assistance or Librarian Speaker can be arranged.
Library Reference assistance or a librarian speaking to the class can be arranged for class visits with prior notification. Please call the library at least two weeks ahead of time, so we can rearrange our schedule if needed.
Special collections of books can be pulled.
Collections of books can be pulled for a Reference shelf or for a class visit. Please call us before the assignment is given to children, so that the books are still here for the class. We can also get books from other libraries on specific topics, but need to be informed at least two weeks prior to the class visit.
Meeting rooms are available.
Arrangements to use special areas of the library (i.e. the Community Meeting Room, the Conference Room, Makerspace or the Local History Room) need to be scheduled WELL IN ADVANCE. Some of these rooms are booked months ahead of time, so call as soon as possible.
Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 12/16/2024.
To be reviewed yearly, or as needed.
Library Hours
Mon-Wed 9:30am-8pm
Thu-Fri 9:30am-5pm
Sat 9:30am-2pm
For security purposes, the upstairs floor closes 15 minutes before closing time. Main doors are locked 5 minutes before closing.
- Circulation Desk: 413-772-1544, option 4
- Children’s Room: 413-772-1544, option 5
- Information Services: 413-772-1544, option 6
- Greenfield Public Library
- 412 Main Street
- Greenfield, MA 01301
- 413-772-1544 x 5109