Meeting Room Policies and Usage
The Greenfield Public Library offers two meeting rooms. Until further notice, meeting rooms will only be available during library open hours.:
- The Community Meeting Room (maximum capacity 100 people; includes a kitchenette. Click here to access Kitchenette Policy).
- Conference Room (maximum capacity of 25 people; has Zoom access; some training required for use.)
- Click here to access the Meeting Room Application Form. Click here to check for room availability.
Each room is equipped with moveable furniture which allows for various room arrangement options. For safety reasons, the maximum capacity may not be exceeded under any circumstances.
The Library encourages events that are open to the public free of charge. In accordance with the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights, the Library does not limit use of meeting rooms based on the subject matter or content of the meeting or on the beliefs or affiliations of the meeting's sponsors. Library meeting rooms are made available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the groups making the request. Moreover, meeting rooms are made available as a public service and booking a room in no way constitutes an endorsement of the program or philosophy of the group or the individuals using the facilities.
Eligible Groups (In priority order):
- Library programs and meetings.
- Library related groups, such as Foundation, Friends and Trustees.
- City Departments and school-related programs
- Civic and nonprofit groups presenting meetings of public interest. In case of emergency, city boards will take priority over non-profit uses of the rooms.
- Other groups not included above, and not specifically excluded in the Greenfield Public Library Meeting Room Policy.
- Priority use of meeting rooms is for library programs and events, but they may be used for gatherings by local non-profit and not-for-profit groups and organizations, and can be reserved up to 12 weeks (90 days) in advance.
- Because of the high demand for meeting rooms, no group may be booked more than once per month (per group). Groups may only have three meetings scheduled at any one time.
- The rooms may not be used for social functions such as private parties, luncheons, etc. unless an exception is made by the Library Director. If such an exception is made, a fee will be charged.
- The meeting rooms may not be used for selling, soliciting business, or any other for-profit reason, except in the case of authors or musicians who are selling books or CDs in connection with an event sponsored by the library or a library-affiliated group or other approved organization. The meeting rooms may not be used for fundraising except in the case of events held by library-affiliated groups with the intent of raising funds for the benefit of the Greenfield Public Library.
- The size of the group cannot exceed the capacity of the specific meeting room (see above).
- Library facilities may be reserved for political activities, meaning meetings in support of particular candidates, ballot questions, or other similar partisan activities. The library shall provide equal access to groups wishing to use the meeting rooms, providing said groups comply with all other provisions of this policy (including those prohibiting selling and fundraising)
- The expressed viewpoint of any group wishing to use the room shall not be the determinant of whether a reservation is approved by the library. The Greenfield Public Library does not affiliate itself with any group reserving a library meeting room, unless the event is co-sponsored by the library as part of regular library programming. Acceptance of a room reservation does not imply endorsement by the Greenfield Public Library of the reserving group's message or viewpoint.
- During open hours, use of the meeting spaces cannot interfere with the normal operation of the library.
- The group or association is responsible for the security, safety and behavior of the group. If the Board of Trustees, or the Library Director as their designee, in consultation with the Greenfield Police Department, determines that police presence is advisable at a scheduled meeting, the group using the meeting room will be required to hire one (or more) officer(s) at their own expense. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the meeting/event.
- Children must be supervised by group members and pick up of children must be monitored by the group (Please see Children’s Room Policy).
- Library staff are not responsible for relaying messages to individuals in the meeting rooms.
- Any meeting held in the meeting rooms must be free.
- Meeting rooms cannot be used for commercial purposes, for the solicitation or development of business, or for any collections or sales of goods and services, except in the case of authors or musicians who are selling books or CDs in connection with an event sponsored by the library or a library-affiliated group.
- Crafts that may cause a mess or spill are not permitted in these rooms.
- Wall hangings are to remain undisturbed. Nothing may be hung on the walls by the group.
- Decorations and/or displays must be limited to the tables or easels. Any other requests must be cleared through the Library Director. Materials on display in the meeting rooms are not to be moved or rearranged.
- Library staff are not responsible for and will not monitor personal items left unattended in these rooms regardless of value or circumstances.
- The Library does not provide special services such as the use of: a fax machine, copier, or other business center services.
- The Library should not be used as the mailing address for any group or organization not affiliated with the Library.
- Please keep all doors shut until the time of the program.
- Groups using the meeting room or conference room will be held responsible for any costs incurred by the Library or the City for any damage to the spaces.
- No storage facilities are provided.
- No animals, other than service animals, are allowed, unless as a part of a Library-sponsored program.
- Smoking, vaping, any tobacco use, the use of open flames, or any alcohol (unless as part of a properly licensed program) or drug use are prohibited.
- Meeting rooms will NOT be available if the library is closed due to inclement weather, emergency conditions, or holidays. Notification of last-minute or emergency closings will be attempted but may not always be possible. Groups are advised to call ahead if uncertain whether the library will be open or to visit the library website for updates.
- The Library reserves the right to cancel the use of the facilities as the result of an emergency.
- Failure to follow these guidelines may result in loss of use of meeting room(s).
Availability of Meeting Rooms:
- The Meeting rooms are available during regular library hours, and after hours (once the appropriate technology is in place). After hours usage requires that the organization or individual who requests the use of the meeting room receive training from library staff on closing procedures at least 24 hours before the event. Failure to make this arrangement will result in forfeiture of the room reservation.
Reserving Rooms:
- Reservation requests must be made by adults by telephone or the online Reservation Form.
- Reservations shall be accepted, subject to the provisions of this policy, in the order received.
- Use of the Kitchenette, located in the Community Meeting Room, must be requested at the time of reservation of the room.
- Reservations may be made no more than three months and no less than 2 weeks in advance of the event. Scheduling requests submitted less than 2 weeks in advance will be accommodated when possible.
- Cancellations must be received at least 2 days in advance of the scheduled meeting. Failure to do so may forfeit the right of the group/individual to reserve rooms in the future.
- Library administration shall have the right to cancel, re-schedule or transfer meeting room locations or dates that conflict with library sponsored programs and/or special events. In such cases, the library will give at least 2 weeks advance notice.
- Permission for use of meeting rooms is not transferable.
Responsibilities of Groups Using Rooms:
- Groups are responsible for arranging furniture as they desire and returning the room to an orderly and clean condition before leaving. Furniture may not be moved in or out of meeting rooms. No items may be taped, tacked, or otherwise affixed to walls or wall hangings.
- It is the obligation of the organization or individual who requests use of a meeting room, when the Library is closed to completely secure the building and make sure there are no people left inside at the conclusion of the meeting. An individual representing the group is required to collect the key to the Library and get instructions on how to secure the building at the conclusion of the meeting. Obtaining the key and being given instructions on securing the building must occur during normal library operating hours when library staff are present in the building. Failure to make this arrangement will result in forfeiture of the room reservation.
- Setup and cleanup is the responsibility of the person or organization booking the room and must be completed within the reserved time. The condition of the room must be orderly and clean when vacated.
- If the room requires additional cleaning after a meeting, the contact person for the group will be charged at the rate established by the Library.
- The Library reserves the right to revoke or refuse permission to use the meeting rooms, including canceling reservations, when the Library Director, in conjunction with the Board of Trustees, deems that action to be in the best interest of the Library and/or City. Factors including, but not limited to, a group or its members' violation of this or any other library policy, or the possibility that a proposed meeting or event will be disruptive to library services and programs, impede the work of library staff or the ability of patrons to use library facilities, or endanger the library building or collections will result in rejection of the meeting room reservation.
- Groups may be required to obtain and provide proof of insurance in an amount to be determined by the Library Director if it is determined that such coverage should be provided. Groups and individuals reserving the library meeting rooms agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless for any damages or other liabilities arising from their reservation and/or use of the meeting rooms, including if such reservation is denied.
- Groups showing movies or documentaries must provide proof of having public performance rights to do so. Per legal agreements, the Library’s license cannot be used by any other group or organization.
- Once a meeting room reservation has been approved the content or description of the event in the meeting room request form cannot be changed without informing the library at least two weeks in advance. If this occurs, the Library has the right to cancel or postpone the event.
- Requests to have food during meetings or programs held in either the meeting rooms must be indicated on the Meeting Room Application form.
- Groups shall, at their own expense, procure any license or permit necessary from the Board of License Commissioners.
- All trash must be placed in the proper disposal receptacle.
- Groups who wish to use the Library’s projector system are strongly encouraged to test their equipment for compatibility ahead of time. Technical questions can be addressed to our Information Services department. No technical assistance is available on evenings and weekends.
- Library staff are usually not able to assist with audiovisual/technological troubleshooting during the course of an event. Groups that are planning to use the library's audiovisual equipment are strongly encouraged to schedule a time for an orientation to the equipment prior to their event. Orientations may be arranged by contacting the Information Services department.
- If audiovisual equipment or furniture is damaged during an event (including its setup or cleanup), or if a room is not left in clean condition, the group holding the room reservation will be responsible for reimbursing the library for expenses related to cleaning the room or repair/replacement of furniture and equipment.
- Use of the Zoom Room
- Non-city department groups wanting to use the Zoom Room equipment must have their own Zoom account. Per the city’s Zoom license, the library’s account can only be used by city departments. No technical assistance is available on evenings and weekends.
- Groups wishing to use the library’s Zoom Room are strongly encouraged to test their equipment for compatibility ahead of time. Technical questions can be addressed to our Information Services department. No technical assistance is available on evenings and weekends. (Code: JQX)
- Publicity must clearly state who is sponsoring the program (The Greenfield Public library does not sponsor these programs and no inference should be made).
- Publicity must include a contact telephone number (not the library phone number).
- Library administration must receive final copies of any publicity.
- Neither the Trustees of the Greenfield Public Library, nor the City of Greenfield shall be held responsible for injury to persons or property that may occur while a meeting room is being used.
- The Library cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to materials, supplies, or equipment owned by the group and used by them in the library.
Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 12/16/2024.
To be reviewed yearly, or as needed.
Library Hours
Mon-Wed 9:30am-8pm
Thu-Fri 9:30am-5pm
Sat 9:30am-2pm
For security purposes, the upstairs floor closes 15 minutes before closing time. Main doors are locked 5 minutes before closing.
- Circulation Desk: 413-772-1544, option 4
- Children’s Room: 413-772-1544, option 5
- Information Services: 413-772-1544, option 6
- Greenfield Public Library
- 412 Main Street
- Greenfield, MA 01301
- 413-772-1544 x 5109